IMPACT WV Services

What is IMPACT WV?

IMPACT WV provides services for families and providers to create opportunities and address the needs of children diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) or who were exposed to substances in utero. Participation in this study is voluntary. Taking part in this study will have no effect on the services that you are receiving by a partner agency.

The goal is to increase coordination, decrease duplication, and connect to services through patient navigation using a two-generational approach.

Who is eligible for IMPACT WV?

map of WV with the following counties highlighted: Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, Monongalia, Preston, Marion, Taylor, and Harrison

Individuals must meet the following categories to be eligibility for IMPACT:

  • women who are or have used substances during pregnancy and have a child ≤ 5 years old and are pregnant, postpartum, or preconception/interconception
  • fathers of infants exposed to substances in utero and are ≤ 5 years old who are involved in the caregiving of that infant
  • foster care and kinship caregivers who are contributing to the care of an infant who was exposed to substances in utero and are ≤ 5 years old
  • and lives in Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, Preston, Marion, Harrison, Taylor or Monongalia counties

What services does IMPACT WV offer?

Benefits of participating will include:

Vicki Johnson standing behind a table decorated with Impact WV literature and informational presentation board
Vicki Johnson is the patient navigator who works with families enrolled in the IMPACT WV study.

We need your help to develop strategies to expand services that encourage children’s healthy development, help families overcome barriers to reduce health disparities, and ensure effective linkages to services from preconception, prenatal, and postpartum periods.

Coordination of needed services and resources using a Patient Navigator. The knowledge gained from this study may eventually benefit others as well.

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